Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Catching up...

I realize I have been a little slow updating the blog lately. Andy has been flying a lot (which we are very thankful for) and Benjamin keeps me busy throughout the days! We play and walk around... play some more... nurse and walk around to fall asleep. Most momma's get things done during naptime, right? Not this momma! I managed to teach Benjamin that sleeping on my chest (laying or rocking) was the comfy and safe place to be. So, he takes his naps on my chest (sometimes 30 minutes... sometimes two hours) while I catch up on the latest episodes of Dr. Oz and Oprah on my DVR. Did I mention this little boy knows he has his mother completely wrapped around his finger? :)

Playing on the floor

I know... FINALLY a picture of Andy and I together! :)

(An older one) Andy's 30'th birthday at the hunting camp in Alpena, MI.

Another one from the hunting camp.

And another...